Good questions to ask yourself when trying to identify your personal life dream include:
What have I always been good at?
What needs do I care about most?
Who do I admire most?
What makes me feel most fulfilled?
What do I love to do most?
What have I felt called to do?
Also ask yourself what legacy you would like to leave for your children and grandchildren. What do you most want to be remembered for?
Present circumstances may make your Dream seem out of the question. But nearly always, the truth is something else. I’ve found that most people who truly want to pursue their Dream can come up with a plan that makes a beginning possible. Of course, there’s a price attached— at least one sacrifice and, often, several. Most people who feel stuck need to rethink their priorities. Usually they have put a certain standard of living, a way of life, or some other assumption above the priority of pursuing a Dream.
Ask yourself questions like, What am I willing to sacrifice for my Dream? How could I mobilize my family to help me pursue this Dream? To what degree am I using my obstacles as excuses? Is there anything I can do right now to launch me toward my Dream?
The minute you decide that you will do what it takes, you are already in pursuit of your Dream.