Have you ever been most afraid of doing the very thing you most want to do? I had that problem, and it turned me back from my Big Dream time after time. You see, by the time I got through college, I knew I wanted to become a creative Bible teacher who could help a lot of people. That Dream inspired me!
But to accomplish my Dream, I would have to stand up and speak in front of a lot of people. That terrified me! I’d get physically ill for a week before a speaking engagement. Then, when I finally got behind the lectern, I would hold on for dear life, stiff with fright, afraid to move my arms— afraid to move at all!
There I’d stand until I had sweated my way through to the last word of my message. Something had to change. I knew that if I was ever to hold an audience, I’d have to feel confident enough to move around the platform, use dramatic gestures, connect naturally with my listeners.
As you can probably imagine, my fears raised real questions about my Dream. Was I making a big mistake? And if I was pursuing the right Dream for me, why did I feel so uncomfortable doing it? You can match my story to yours probably. Can you? I had embraced my Dream. I had left my comfort zone, excited to be pursuing it. But soon, I ran into a huge obstacle. Right there at the start, I hit an invisible Wall of Fear. And it stopped my Dream in its tracks.
You may know that I pushed past that fear and was able to pursue and live out my Dream! I even got to speak to crowds as large as 80,000 people! God can do amazing things when you commit your way to Him. You can pursue your dream too! I hope you will.