It’s so easy to get caught up in the demands of life. And we all take refuge at times in routines and recliners and “usual” anything! But if we’re just marking time—instead of making a life—we have put our Big Dream on hold. Years pass. Personal losses pile up. We lose our sense of meaning and purpose. We spend our energy unproductively. And the big picture of why God put us on earth in the first place begins to fade from view. Tragically, a whole lifetime can pass without a person ever accomplishing the Great Things he or she was born to do and wants to do. What keeps people from embracing and pursuing their God-given Dreams? I’ve noticed five common but deadly misconceptions:
“I don’t have a Dream.”
“I have to invent my Dream.”
“I have a Dream, but it’s not that important.”
“I have a Dream, but it’s up to God to make it happen.”
“I had a Dream, but it’s too late.”
Take a minute to check your own beliefs. Read each statement carefully. Do any of these describe your beliefs about a Big Dream for your life? (If you’re not sure, look at your actions. What you do is usually a result of what you actually believe.)
But each of these five misconceptions is a trap. If you’re caught in one of them, you will never leave what is familiar to you until you reject your wrong thinking and embrace the truth. The truth being that God put you here for a purpose and it is up to you to move forward toward your dream.