Do you believe every person on earth was born with a dream for his or her life? No matter where I travel in the world— whether among hard-charging Manhattan urbanites or villagers in southern Africa— I have yet to find a person who didn’t have a dream. They may not be able to describe it. They may have forgotten it. They may no longer believe in it. But it’s there. I call this universal and powerful longing a Big Dream. Like the genetic code that describes your unique passions and abilities, your Big Dream has been woven into your very soul. And you have it for a reason: to draw you toward the kind of life you were born to love!
Every Dreamer soon learns that the road to the future you really want is clogged with Dream-threatening obstacles. That’s why so many turn back. But what many don’t realize— and what I missed for years— is that each obstacle is also an important opportunity. The obstacles come in a predictable sequence, and each for a very promising reason. The better you understand the journey to your Dream and what God is doing in your life, the less likely you are to abandon your Dream.